Billing and subscriptions

Can I cancel my subscription anytime?

Yes, you can cancel your subscription anytime. You will only be billed for the current month.

How can I downgrade?

To downgrade, please contact support via the support button in the app.

Where can I get my invoices?

We can send you your invoices via email. Please contact support via the support button in the app to request your invoices.

Data questions

How often does your data update?

All data updates on a monthly basis.

What time granularity is available for your data?

Currently our smallest granularity is on a monthly level for all metrics.

How are subdomains handled?

Subdomains are included as part of the domain.

How are top level domains handled?

We are displaying the data based on the way the retailer has setup their TLDs. Nike uses Nike.com for all the countries they are selling, whereas Adidas uses a different TLD for the different countries: adidas.com, adidas.de, adidas.co.uk, etc.

What if I don’t see the retailer I’m interested in?

Each month we are adding retailers. Please write to support within the Grips app to request a specific retailer and our team will take this under consideration.

Do you cover offline or omni-channel retailers as well?

We observe only online transactions, so if a retailer is both brick and mortar as well as online, we will cover them in our dataset, but we will only be reporting on their their online transactions.

What is included in the worldwide country filter?

Worldwide data includes data from all the countries that we manage for the domain.

How do you calculate each of your metrics?

Please see our Data Dictionary.

Are returns included in your revenue calculations?

No, we are reporting purchases only.

How are product subscriptions calculated?

We report only the value of the first transaction when the subscription was made. For example, if a user purchases an annual subscription that charges $10 per month, we will report only that first $10 transaction but no other transactions. This impacts all of our metrics.

How do you handle click and collect?

If click and collect is running via the online checkout we report this as online revenue

Are you reporting 1st or 3rd party sales?

In our Retailer view, we are showing sales that went through the retailers’ checkout (1st party sales) and not showing any sales made on other marketplaces (3rd party sales). E.g. when in the Retailer view and looking at Lego.com, you see sales for just this domain.
But, if you are in our Brands view, you can see sales of all Lego products, which includes 1st party sales on their own D2C site Lego.com as well as on 3rd party sales on marketplaces like Amazon.com.

Do website visits on tablets count as desktop or mobile web?

Website visits on tablets count as desktop web.

Do you have app data?

No, but we have mobile web data.

Do you cover domains that require registration to view price/purchase?

We are only able to collect domains where the price is visible on the product details page. If a page requires registration to view price/purchase (usually common for B2B sites), it is unlikely that we can collect this domain. There are some exceptions so contact us with the domain in question and we can confirm if it can be collected.

Updated on 2023-08-07

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