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zurbrueggen.de's revenueOVER TIME
Over the past three months, zurbrueggen.de revenue has experienced growth of 41%, compared to the preceding three months.
zurbrueggen.de competitors
When comparing zurbrueggen.de to its competitors in the online furniture market, several key metrics stand out. zwilling.com leads in revenue with €10,052,577, followed by xxxlutz.de with €49,177,242, while zurbrueggen.de ranks in the middle at €3,497,506. In terms of transactions, xxxlutz.de also leads with 129,782, while zurbrueggen.de has 7,473 transactions. However, zurbrueggen.de excels in conversion rate with a range of 0.50-1.00%, surpassing online-moebel-kaufen.de and hardeck.de with lower rates. Additionally, zurbrueggen.de's Average Order Value (AOV) falls within a competitive range of €450-475, comparable to xxxlutz.de's €375-400 AOV. Overall, while zurbrueggen.de may not lead in revenue or transactions, its strong conversion rate and AOV position it well among its competitors in the online furniture industry.
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zurbrueggen.de Google Ads spend
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