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wirliebenhunter.de’s revenueOVER TIME
Over the past three months, wirliebenhunter.de revenue has experienced growth of 2.4%, compared to the preceding three months.
wirliebenhunter.de competitors
When comparing wirliebenhunter.de to its competitors in the pet food industry, it stands out in terms of revenue, transactions, and conversion rate. While wirliebenhunter.de generated a revenue of €620,477 from 6,564 transactions with a conversion rate of 4.00-4.50% from 160,731 sessions, some of its competitors performed differently. For instance, zooplus.de had the highest revenue of €13,800,045 from 168,557 transactions with a conversion rate of 5.50-6.00% from 2,910,006 sessions. However, wirliebenhunter.de had a better conversion rate than most of its competitors, including josera.de, petsdeli.de, and purina.de. In terms of Average Order Value (AOV), wirliebenhunter.de falls within the range of €75-100, similar to zooplus.de and zooroyal.de, showcasing its ability to attract high-value customers in a competitive market.
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wirliebenhunter.de Google Ads spend
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wirliebenhunter.de devices
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