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The website swing2sleep.de offers a range of products for purchase. They primarily sell swing cribs designed to gently rock infants to sleep. These unique cribs are designed with a swinging mechanism, promoting a soothing environment for babies, aiding in better sleep. Additional details about the products can be found on the website.

swing2sleep.de’s revenueOVER TIME
Over the past three months, swing2sleep.de revenue has experienced decline of 17%, compared to the preceding three months.
swing2sleep.de competitors
swing2sleep.de stands out from its competitors in several key metrics. While swing2sleep.de generated €140,031 in revenue from 980 transactions and 43,782 sessions in December 2024 with an Average Order Value (AOV) of €125-150 and a conversion rate of 2.00-2.50%, its competitors vary in performance. hipp.de had the highest revenue at €1,230,022 but with a lower conversion rate of 1.50-2.00%, while zizzz.ch had a higher AOV of €225-250 but with significantly fewer transactions and sessions. moonboon.de had a high AOV of €300-325 but a lower conversion rate of 1.00-1.50%. In contrast, wunderkarten.de had a slightly lower revenue than swing2sleep.de at €411,715, but with a higher conversion rate of 3.00-3.50% indicating strong performance in converting sessions to transactions. Overall, swing2sleep.de demonstrates a competitive balance of revenue, transactions, AOV, and conversion rate compared to its competitors in the industry.
Top products on swing2sleep.deby revenue
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swing2sleep.de devices
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