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hipp.de's revenueOVER TIME
Over the past three months, hipp.de revenue has experienced growth of 28%, compared to the preceding three months.
hipp.de competitors
When comparing hipp.de to its competitors in the baby products industry, we see that hipp.de falls behind in terms of revenue, with only 1,230,022 compared to top competitor rossmann.de with 10,096,498. In terms of transactions, hipp.de has 26,300, while babymarkt.de leads with 32,620. Despite having a higher number of sessions at 1,523,220, hipp.de's conversion rate of 1.50-2.00% is on par with lillydoo.com and rossmann.de. However, hipp.de's average order value (AOV) ranging from 25-50 falls short compared to babyartikel.de with an AOV of 175-200. Overall, while hipp.de may have a decent conversion rate, it struggles to compete with its competitors in terms of revenue and AOV, indicating room for improvement in its marketing and sales strategies.
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hipp.de channels
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hipp.de Google Ads spend
Evaluate hipp.de's Google search ad spend, ad clicks and cost-per-click. Review performance over time and gain deeper view into their ad campaign spend.
hipp.de devices
Review hipp.de's performance across desktop and mobile devices. Analyze how revenue, conversion rate, transactions, AOV and sessions vary depending on the device shoppers use.