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eightmen.com’s revenueOVER TIME
Over the past three months, eightmen.com revenue has experienced decline of 67%, compared to the preceding three months.
eightmen.com competitors
In November 2024, eightmen.com had a revenue of $654 from 6 transactions and 266 sessions, with an average order value (AOV) ranging from $100 to $125 and a conversion rate between 2.00% and 2.50%. Comparing this data to its competitors, we see that amazon.com leads with a revenue of $14,996,055,356 from 215,029,783 transactions and 2,929,041,663 sessions, with an AOV of $50 to $75 and a conversion rate between 7.00% and 7.50%. apple.com follows with $4,515,988,147 in revenue from 11,902,642 transactions and 512,645,766 sessions, offering a higher AOV of $375 to $400 but the same conversion rate as eightmen.com. nike.com generated $471,967,276 in revenue with 3,479,142 transactions and 149,418,592 sessions, similar AOV to eightmen.com, while brooksrunning.com had a revenue of $15,108,047 with 105,670 transactions and 5,764,680 sessions, matching eightmen.com's conversion rate.
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