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Weangreen.com is a website that sells a variety of durable and reusable glass food storage containers. Their range includes eco-friendly beverage bottles, storage sets, snack cubes, and lunch containers. They prioritize safety, offering BPA, PVC, phthalate, and lead-free products. Weangreen.com also provides information on toxic materials commonly found in plastic products.
weangreen.com’s revenueOVER TIME
Over the past three months, weangreen.com revenue has experienced growth of 261%, compared to the preceding three months.
weangreen.com competitors
When comparing weangreen.com to its competitors in December 2024, elkandfriends.com stands out with significantly higher revenue of $36,998 from 521 transactions and 19,884 sessions. This indicates a strong presence in the market, although their conversion rate falls slightly below weangreen.com at 2.50-3.00%. On the other hand, properpopcorn.com lags behind with lower revenue of $1,312 from 24 transactions and 1,302 sessions, coupled with a conversion rate of 1.50-2.00%. Despite having a similar Average Order Value (AOV) of $50-75 across all three platforms, weangreen.com holds its own with $2,508 in revenue from 37 transactions and 1,179 sessions, boasting a higher conversion rate of 3.00-3.50%. This indicates that weangreen.com is competitive in terms of conversion rates and overall performance when compared to its peers in the market.
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weangreen.com Google Ads spend
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weangreen.com devices
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