HearstMagazines.co.uk is a website that offers a variety of magazines for purchase. It provides access to a wide range of publication titles covering different genres like lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and more. Customers can explore and buy magazines directly from the website to satisfy their reading interests and preferences.

hearstmagazines.co.uk's revenueOVER TIME
Over the past three months, hearstmagazines.co.uk revenue has experienced growth of 7.9%, compared to the preceding three months.
hearstmagazines.co.uk competitors
In comparing hearstmagazines.co.uk to its competitors in the magazine subscription industry, it is evident that Hearst Magazines falls behind in terms of revenue generation and transaction volume. While Hearst Magazines recorded a revenue of £582,546 with 11,361 transactions from 209,034 sessions, its competitors outperformed in these areas. For instance, pocketmags.com generated £1,365,356 in revenue from 21,051 transactions and 445,717 sessions, showcasing higher performance metrics. Additionally, discountmags.com and magazines.com also surpassed Hearst Magazines in revenue and transaction numbers. However, in terms of Average Order Value (AOV) and conversion rates, Hearst Magazines falls within the same range as pocketmags.com and discountmags.com, indicating a similar level of efficiency in maximizing revenue per transaction and converting sessions into sales. Nonetheless, the overall performance of Hearst Magazines lags behind its competitors in revenue and transaction metrics.
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hearstmagazines.co.uk Google Ads spend
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hearstmagazines.co.uk devices
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