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Ajaie Alaie is a website that sells clothing and accessories. Their products range from dresses to tops and bottoms, showcasing unique designs and color palettes. Apart from clothing, they also offer jewelry and scarves to customers. The website provides a platform to explore and purchase these items conveniently online.
ajaiealaie.com’s revenueOVER TIME
Over the past three months, ajaiealaie.com revenue has experienced decline of 32%, compared to the preceding three months.
ajaiealaie.com competitors
When comparing ajaiealaie.com to its competitors in the fashion retail industry, ajaiealaie.com falls behind in terms of revenue, transactions, and sessions. ajaiealaie.com generated only $46 in revenue with 0 transactions and 12 sessions, indicating lower traffic and sales compared to its competitors. In contrast, mpatmos.com had a revenue of $8,514 with 47 transactions and 2,507 sessions, while garmentory.com outperformed with $4,390,783 in revenue, 14,649 transactions, and 869,218 sessions. Additionally, ajaiealaie.com's Average Order Value (AOV) of $175-200 aligns with some competitors, but its conversion rate of 1.50-2.00% is on the lower end. Competitors like abasicshop.com, shopgoldenrule.com, and shoppreservation.com also showed stronger performance in terms of revenue, transactions, and sessions, indicating areas where ajaiealaie.com could improve to better compete in the market.
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ajaiealaie.com channels
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