Edelmetall-handel.de is a website that deals in the trade of precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum, and palladium. They offer various products including coins, bars, and bullions from reputable manufacturers. The site provides transparent pricing and a secure platform for users to buy and sell precious metals.

edelmetall-handel.de's revenueOVER TIME
Over the past three months, edelmetall-handel.de revenue has experienced growth of 22%, compared to the preceding three months.
edelmetall-handel.de competitors
When comparing edelmetall-handel.de to its competitors, we see that in terms of revenue, edelmetall-handel.de falls between proaurum.de and goldsilbershop.de, with a revenue of €4,504,432. proaurum.de has a revenue of €3,666,834 while goldsilbershop.de leads with €7,181,572. In the number of transactions, edelmetall-handel.de has 7,806 transactions, slightly more than proaurum.de's 7,556 but less than goldsilbershop.de's 9,816. In terms of sessions, edelmetall-handel.de has 315,892 sessions, again placing it between its competitors. The Average Order Value (AOV) for edelmetall-handel.de ranges between €575-€600, with goldsilbershop.de having the highest AOV of €725-€750. The conversion rate for edelmetall-handel.de is between 2.00-2.50%, with proaurum.de leading in this metric with a conversion rate of 4.00-4.50%. Overall, edelmetall-handel.de competes well with its rivals, holding its ground in most areas.
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edelmetall-handel.de devices
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